↟ Monday |20|: {BOTH}
Monday + Tuesday routes
↟ Tuesday |21|: Wednesday routes
↟ Wednesday |22|: Thursday routes
↟ Thursday |23|: Friday routes
↟ Friday |24|: [CLOSED]!
We need everyone to please be sure to have your garbage out the night before to ensure you are not missed. It’s going to be a crazy schedule, so the drivers will be starting just as early as they can!
If you are not picked up on the schedule below, please contact us and we will get you taken care of just as soon as possible.
[holiday schedules mess us up!]
A call will be going out |today|, but please remind any friends, family or neighbors who use us about the schedule change for next week!
Feel free to share it as well!
(If you want to be prepared - - This will also be the schedule for New Years week)
As always, if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us! ツ
“Let us ‘Hall’ your garbage so you don’t have to!” 👍🏻
@Hall's Waste Management ♻️
//Family owned + operated!!//
℡.№ 270.489.6005
✉ michelle@hallswm.com
✉ kala@hallswm.com
#hallswastemanagement #localbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #lovelocal #trashtalk #mymky #garbagebusiness #hallswm #wastemanagementcompany #donthaulityourself #December #endof2021 #signupnow #waste #management #holidayseason #Christmas #holidayschedule #holidayschedulesaretough #holidaymess #pleaseshare