•Monday, November 21:
Monday + Tuesday Routes
•Tuesday, November 22:
Wednesday Routes
•Wednesday, November 23:
Thursday Routes
•Thursday, November 24:
CLOSED // Happy Thanksgiving!
•Friday, November 25:
Friday Routes
→Please do not forget to sit your garbage out the {night before}!!
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We hate having to change up the route, but we thank you all for your understanding!
We hope each of you have a Thanksgiving Day full of love + gratitude with family, friends and/or neighbors with lots of food! ♡♡
Thank you for supporting our business! ♡
“Let us ‘Hall’ your garbage so you don’t have to!” 👍🏻
((Family owned + operated!!))
@Hall's Waste Management ♻️
📍425 Landfill Road Kirksey KY
🕗 8a-4p Monday-Friday
℡.№ 270.489.6005
✉ michelle@hallswm.com
✉ kala@hallswm.com
✉ abby@hallswm.com
#hallswastemanagement #localbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #lovelocal #trashtalk #mymky #garbagebusiness #hallswm #wastemanagementcompany #donthaulityourself #signupnow #puttrashinitsplace #everylitterbithurts #ShopLocalMurray #SmallBusinessKentucky #MyMurray #thanksgiving2022 #ThanksgivingRouteSchedule