It's hard to believe that next week is Thanksgiving! But here we are...
•Monday (20) - Monday + Tuesday Routes
•Tuesday (21) - Wednesday Routes
•Wednesday (22) - Thursday Routes
•Friday (24) - Normal Friday Routes
>>PLEASE NOTE: On Monday, November 20th we are doubling up on routes (Monday + Tuesday Routes). Therefore, if you don't already you will need to make sure you sit your can out THE NIGHT BEFORE to ensure pick up. Our drivers will be starting extremely early to be able to complete both routes in one day.
>>This week we will be sending out email notifications, the automated call notification and posting on our social media platforms.
::Please remember, If you do not have your trash out in time for pick up or you miss your pick up day, unfortunately, it will be nearly impossible to come back to pick up and will have to wait until your next scheduled pick up. Holiday schedules make it a hard week on us and leave no extra time for 'going back'.::
**Please help spread the word**

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us!
“Let us ‘Hall’ your garbage so you don’t have to!” 👍🏻
((Family owned + operated!!))
Thank you for supporting our small business! ♡
📍425 Landfill Road Kirksey KY
🕗 8a-4p Monday-Friday
℡.№ 270.489.6005
@Hall's Waste Management ♻️
#hallswastemanagementllc #localbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #lovelocal #trashtalk #mymky #garbagebusiness #hallswm #wastemanagementcompany #donthaulityourself #signupnow #puttrashinitsplace #everylitterbithurts #ShopLocalMurray #SmallBusinessKentucky #MyMurray