We've been asked if we will be running our routes tomorrow, Thursday, February 24th.
‣ The answer, as of right now, is YES!
If our drivers get out in the morning and see that the majority of the roads we need to travel are too slick, then we will make the call at that point.
We will only ask our drivers to pick up on roads that they feel comfortable going down, if there are signs of slickness.
So, this is your friendly reminder: if you don't have your garbage can out yet and you are able to; sit it out! ッ
As always, if you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us!
“Let us ‘Hall’ your garbage so you don’t have to!”
@Hall's Waste Management
((Family owned + operated!!))
℡.№ 270.489.6005
#hallswastemanagement #localbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #lovelocal #trashtalk #mymky #garbagebusiness #hallswm #wastemanagementcompany #donthaulityourself #signupnow #waste #management #routeupdate #puttrashinitsplace #everyliterbithurts